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Wordfeud Dictionary

In the original Wordfeud dictionary was the SOWPODS dictionary. In verion 1.06 the developers switched the Wordfeud dictionary from the SOWPODS to the standard Scrabble Tournament Word List (TW06). The current Wordfeud dicitonary (TW06) is listed here as “Standard” in the pulldown menu. This dictionary contains close to 179,000 words. The SOWPODS dictionary is much larger. In Scrabble circles, the Tournament dictionary is commonly referred to as the “US” English dicitonary and the SOWPODs dictionary is referred to as the “Non-US” or international English dictionary. It is surprising that the developers simply changed the Wordfeud dictionary, instead of giving the users a choice of which dictionary to use.

Wordfeud Word Builder

Be sure and check out the Wordfeud Word Builder, as well. You can see it here: Wordfeud Word Builder